Prysmian Group and Giancarlo Pedote: a powerful story based on common values and mutual trust

Categories: Prysmian Ocean Racing 

21/10/2020 - 05:52 PM

Together since 2007, the partnership between Prysmian Group and Giancarlo Pedote has based its relationship on strong common values such as the quest for excellence and pushing the envelope. In this way, the global leader in power and telecommunications cables and systems and the Italian skipper have forged a ‘win-win’ relationship, which began on the Mini 6.50 circuit and has continued to grow ever stronger. Today, this step-by-step process has taken the pairing to the start of the most demanding but also the most fantastic race there is: the Vendée Globe. A genuine Everest of the Seas, the event is a massive challenge on a sporting and human level. It’s the ultimate adventure, which is sure to be an intense experience for both the company and the sailor. For the former, the aim is to promote the Prysmian Group brand and further enhance its notoriety, while for the other, it’s about realising a dream and above all asserting himself as one of the stalwart ambassadors of Électriciens sans frontiers (Electricians without borders), a French NGO of international renown which, for over 30 years, has been working to enable the most destitute populations in the world to have access to electricity and water . For some, success is meant to be, as is the case for a boat whose construction has been studied in detail. Prysmian Group’s journey alongside Giancarlo Pedote in the sailing arena is one of these great stories. “Our partnership began thirteen years ago and it has gradually progressed to the point that we are today, at the start of the Vendée Globe. It’s an important objective for our company and we’re proud to be launching into an adventure of this scale”, enthuses Francesco Zecchi, Prysmian’s MID Director for Southern Europe, who has two clear goals in this campaign: to increase Prysmian Group’s notoriety and enhance the brand’s image through this highly committed sports sponsorship with  Giancarlo Pedote. “We share powerful common values. Values which define our commitment with regards to our clients and our mission, such as high-performance, the quest for excellence and pushing the envelope, values which are expressed to perfection by Giancarlo, both as an athlete and a man. Our aim is to make full use of this marvellous sailing device and to make our skipper a genuine ambassador of the group through this Vendée Globe project, which is both a massive sporting challenge as well as an extraordinary human adventure”, adds the Italian director, who is clearly very proud of the journey the company has undertaken alongside the skipper since 2007. A journey punctuated by some wonderful successes, including a second place in the Mini Transat 2013, two French Singlehanded Offshore Racing Champion Promotion titles, two ‘Sailor of the Year’ awards in Italy, as well as a fine victory in the Multi50 category in the Transat Jacques Vabre in 2015. Commitment on several levels At the same time, within Prysmian Group we have expanded our brand and product portfolio and decided to invest more in corporate communication”, explains Francesco Zecchi, who highlights the fact that sustainable development is one of today’s most important challenges for companies and that Prysmian Group is highly committed to innovative approaches in this domain. As such, the group sets great store by societal responsibility. Indeed, it believes that a reliable and sustainable supply of energy and information is the driving force behind the development of communities and evidently it’s no coincidence that it has chosen to integrate NGO project Electriciens sans frontiers, it too convinced that providing access to modern energy services through the use of renewable energies is essential for the economic and human development of populations. “Awareness is key and the Vendée Globe is a very interesting tool in this regard. Access to energy and water is essential for the most destitute populations. This project with Giancarlo conveys a message of solidarity centred on sustainable development”, explains Prysmian’s MID Director for Southern Europe, a sentiment shared by the skipper of the 60-footer flying the group’s flag. “Since 1986, the NGO Electriciens sans frontières has worked on behalf of populations living in remote rural areas without access to a power network. It assesses their needs in a bid to identify the most affordable, efficient and sustainable solutions in partnership with local protagonists. I am very proud to fly the flag for the group. I’m also proud to fly the flag of Prysmian Group. When our story together first began, I had no idea it would lead through to the Vendée Globe. We’ve built a solid relationship founded on trust and we’ve gradually raised our game by working hand in hand on this project. During this upcoming round the world race, I’m keen to do well, to fulfil my mission as best I can despite all the uncertainties that are part and parcel of this kind of adventure. I’m going to give it my best shot during the race, as I have with the preparation phase. I’ll give it my all, heart and soul, so I have no regrets whatever happens”, concludes Giancarlo Pedote.