I’m in a magical place!
Prysmian Ocean Racing
“Gaining northing only to now be dropping due south is a strange idea. The past 24 hours for me have been punctuated by a rather tricky passage of the UNESCO waypoint. The wind was playing mind games, switching position in the final hours of my approach to the mark, forcing me to remain very focused with winds of over 20/25 knots! At a point where I thought the approach to the mark would go by without incident, the boat broached right over last night in a big gust, but fortunately there’s no damage to lament.
For some hours now, I’ve been on a southerly heading bound for the sun and the Gallimard mark! We’re going to begin to strip off some layers of clothing. There was more good news this morning too: the weather system is rather favourable for our group. The front runners will begin to slow and we’ll have a better angle in relation to the wind so we can drop down onto a more direct course.
As a result, our deficit in relation to the front of the pack should reduce in the next 24 hours,” explained the skipper of Prysmian Group this morning.
As a result, our deficit in relation to the front of the pack should reduce in the next 24 hours,” explained the skipper of Prysmian Group this morning.